February 21, 2009

Fresh Air

After the week we had full of sickness, grey skies, and cold temperatures, today came as a much needed break. Olivia was feeling almost back to normal and Noah is getting closer everyday, too.
I'm sure the 52 degree weather and getting out of the house helped.

Last week Olivia was so sick she fell asleep on her napkin from lunch instead of eating...

The kids today feeling well enough to unintentionally strike a catalog pose...

Maggie appreciated a break from the long week too...

As Promised

Olivia with a new hole in her head :)

February 18, 2009

And Then There Were Two

Noah woke up with the illness that's been spreading through the elementary school like wildfire (classes missing 1/2 of their students, kids out for 2 weeks at a time) and Olivia's fever from yesterday has morphed into something much more unpleasant. Yikes! My only wish is that they get well before my symptoms start showing up. I don't know if I can handle what they're going through while taking care of them (in sick mode) and the pup. It's like watching the timer on a bomb slowly count down...10...9...8...

Lucky Jeremy has been working late every night this week. He's a smart, smart man.

February 17, 2009

Not Exactly The Way I Planned It

I went to bed last night with big plans for today. There were errands to run, rooms that desperately needed cleaning, a dog who is getting better on the leash and good enough weather for a nice long walk with her, and plans and plans and plans. I even started a post for the blog last night that I was going to finish up and post today (I would've posted last night but...um...the last episode of Sex and the City was on TBS and I couldn't resist watching. It's one of my favorites.) I went to bed a little after midnight, tired and headachy but looking forward to what would be a productive Tuesday.

And then I woke up this morning.

I should've known it wouldn't be a good day when Olivia announced at 4:45am that she couldn't sleep. But, no, I was still thinking positively (easier to do when you're only half awake...). When the alarm went off at 7:30 I was bummed to find that my headache was worse and my nose was bleeding. Assuming I wasn't in some uncontrollable time-traveling cycle a la "Lost", I can only guess that this means Spring will be arriving soon (I get lots of nosebleeds in springtime...allergy related or something, I suppose. It's not so fantastic). No big deal. I'd get the kids off to school, head back to bed for an hour or so to try to get rid of the headache and get all my stuff done. I was limping along...gathering school supplies, today's clothes, etc. with one free hand when Olivia announced, "I lost my tooth!" We'd been waiting for it to fall out for the last several days so I really excited for her. I dropped what I was doing to see the most adorable little hole in between her other teeth. I congratulated her, we talked about the tooth fairy and then I said, "Where's your tooth?"

"I told you I lost it, " she said.

"Um...you dropped it?" I asked.

"I guess so. I was looking at myself in the mirror, drinking my water and I lost it."

So, bloody nose and all, I got on the floor looking for the teeny tiny tooth. We finally concluded that maybe she'd swallowed it. After all, she was drinking from a water bottle when it fell out. No problem...when she got home from school we'd write a letter to the tooth fairy, explaining what happened and everything would be fine.

And then, she settled down from the excitement to eat her breakfast (much easier now without that pesky wiggly tooth in the way) and she announced, "I have a headache."

I yelled from the other end of the house, "Me too, baby, me too."

Sometimes Olivia gets headaches when she hasn't eaten so I didn't think much about it. I feed her, send her off to school and she's fine. She called to me suddenly that she'd found her tooth in her water bottle (YAY!!) and I went to strain it out and see it. When I got into the TV room I noticed that her cheeks were flushed which I hadn't noticed earlier because of everything else going on. I asked if she felt all right as I felt her forehead. No wonder she had a headache, she was burning up! I grabbed the thermometer and, sure enough, 103.8. Sigh. Olivia gets high fevers. I don't worry about 104 or 105. That's just how she is. 106 makes me nervous and 107 pushes me past my calm, cool, and collected limits. But 103 is ok. We don't like it but I wasn't worried. The only problem is that when Olivia gets these high fevers they tend to last for several days to a week. And, so, that is when I finally, finally, finally realized that my Tuesday would not be going as planned. No food in the house? Too bad. Needing to find time to finish cleaning out the garage? Not going to happen. Taking Maggie for a walk to keep her from bouncing off the walls? Not today. Instead, I spent the day snuggling and coaxing drinks into my baby girl, keeping her warm, getting her comfy and settled for movies and reruns of iCarly. But, that's ok. I can do all that other stuff another time. It's not that important in the scheme of things. And, besides, there's always the Tooth Fairy visit to look forward to tonight :)

*BTW, I will post a picture of the snaggletooth girl as soon as she's feeling better!

Happy Tuesday, Everyone!!

February 1, 2009


As of now, AEP says we're still without power at home. Thank goodness we decided to come to Virginia for the weekend (so Jeremy could attend his annual SuperBowl party). Two entire days of heat and electricity has been lovely. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that maybe, just maybe, we'll have power once we get back to Ohio tomorrow.

Pictures of icy things: