December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas!

For various reasons I didn't send out cards this year. Usually I love sending them out but this Christmas it just didn't happen in time. Call me a slacker or a bum or whatever you will but know that we are thinking of all of you.

Jeremy, the kids, and I have had a crazy year and we couldn't have made it through without our friends and family. Forgive me for not staying in touch as well as I should. Please know that you are in my thoughts more than you can imagine. From your phone calls to sweet emails to drinks and poker, we've been grateful to have every one of you in our lives. We hope that you all have a wonderful Christmas and have a chance to spend time with those you love. And for those we won't see this week, we hope to see you soon!

In lieu of a card, here are goofy pics of the kids: (Olivia's newest hobby is swimming in my empty bathtub and Noah has decided to grow his hair out until it's properly shaggy)

Merry Christmas, my friends! I'm anxious to see you all soon!!!

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