July 2, 2009

Love Thursday - Cake and Jeremy and Happy Thursdays

Recently I've had a hankering for cake. Not just any cake. Birthday cake. With thick icing and ugly roses in gaudy colors. I want bakery birthday cake. I want it to be so rich that I feel sick when I'm finished eating even the tiniest piece. This happens a few times a year and it's usually appeased by the next birthday on our calendar. However, Noah doesn't like cake so his birthday requires that I make brownies. Olivia's birthday is in a couple weeks but we're having a "cooking" party and will be making cupcakes instead of cake. It's just not the same. And, so, I resigned myself to waiting until my own birthday at the end of August. Sigh. Poor me.


I have an amazing husband. And tonight I received this in all it's perfect, sugary glory:

I really, really love that man :)

One of my favorite things about this is that it reminds me of my teenage years. My stepdad used to randomly show up with gifts for us for no reason. Flowers for my mom and I. Baseball cards for my brothers. Little things he'd find in quirky stores that he thought we'd like. But one of my very favorite memories is the night he showed up with one of those giant cookies. It simply said "Happy Thursday." It was silly and unexpected and summed him up perfectly. The cake tonight was my Happy Thursday and it was perfect.

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