June 19, 2008

The Good, The Bad, The Latest

It's almost, not quite, been confirmed that as of July 1st Jeremy will be relocated to...Nowhere. Seems that there aren't any jobs currently open for him to relocate to so the company has created a position for him in Roanoke - where he's already assigned. At first glance, we were pretty disappointed. You see, without a new assignment and location the company won't help us sell our house or move or anything. We were also told that the situation in Roanoke could last a month, 6 months, who knows? So we needed to decide - was it worth losing the incentives that come with a company sponsored move (i.e. - realtor commissions paid, moving expenses, bonuses for selling the house, etc) for something that might only last a month or two? Were we willing to take that risk? Unfortunately, we're not so financially well off that's it's easy to walk away from what equals tens of thousands of dollars so...we were thinking that we'd keep the situation the same - Jeremy living with his parents while he works, the kids and I staying with the house, and hoping to live together as a regular family soon. You can probably guess how depressing making that decision was. But, you know, deep down we're hopeful people and we realize that things could be much worse...we have a house, Jeremy has a job that he loves, we've been kept safe and happy here, and we have lots of supportive friends and family that have been willing to help us out at the drop of a hat. No reason to complain. Disappointed, yes, for a few days. But, complain? We just can't.

So, now the good news. Jeremy heard from someone today that because he could actually end up being in this new position for another year they are going to try to convince the company to give us another relocation package - allowing the house to be sold and allowing the company to buy the house if that doesn't happen. This isn't set in stone and there's a good chance they won't agree to reopening his original relocation contract but I can't help but get my hopes up again. Because things always work out in the end; sometimes we just need a little patience. So, if you could keep your fingers crossed, keep us in your prayers, maybe loan us a wish or two, it would be greatly appreciated. We're ready to settle in together, to put things back to the way they were, to see each other on a daily basis and we can use all the help we can get :)

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