June 8, 2008

Happy Birthday, Noah!

9 years old ago today we were thrilled to meet our baby boy. I can't believe how much has changed since then. I think back through all the stages and I'm stunned at how quickly time passes. There's no way we can really be parents of such a big kid, is there?

This year hasn't exactly gone as planned. When we had Noah's 8th birthday party we were sure it would be the last one he'd have here. But, we were wrong and last night we had the pleasure of hosting 5 of Noah's friends overnight. I will officially state for the record that I think I might rather have an entire class of preschoolers at my house than 6 older boys in my backyard. Those kids are crazy!! We insisted that they stay in their tent after 11 and still some of them didn't fall asleep. If I could bottle that energy...

Maybe it's insane but I'm assuming this will be the last birthday Noah will celebrate in this house. That makes 6 that he's celebrated here - everything from big family get-togethers to pirates and pinatas to camp outs. I hope his memories of this place are as good as mine. And I can't wait to celebrate number 10 with him wherever we go from here.

Happy Birthday, Noah! I love you :)

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