October 27, 2008

8 Reasons Why You Should Visit Us In Ohio

1. Because, honestly, when you think of "roadtrip" don't you immediately think of Ohio?

2. Because we'll be close to several baseball teams, several football teams, several hockey teams, and OSU. We could go to a game. Or just stay in and play poker and drink margaritas. Or take a nap. You're the guest, we'll let you choose.

3. Because we're hosts that let you choose what you want to do. See item #2.

4. Because it's free food and a free place to sleep. What more do you want?

5. Because we're close to Hocking Hills which has excellent hiking and photo ops. (You know, if you happen to read my blog, be a fantastic bartender, and/or take beautiful photographs. Don't ask me what bartending has to do with hiking but...um...it's got to fit in there somewhere.)

6. Because you'll get to check out our quirky little house. Hidden closets, heated floors, 4 showerheads in the shower, and lots of odd little features that'll keep the kids occupied for hours. Oh, and did I mention the house is crazy ugly? And has been dubbed "Funkytown?" And I fell in love with it within 2 minutes?

7. Because it's on your way to visit your aunt/grandparents/cousin/ex boyfriend/favorite hairdresser/someone. Everyone knows someone in Ohio. Might as well visit us while you visit them!

8. Because no matter how much you try to fool yourself, you know you're gonna miss us :)

Back By Popular Demand

I've been told I've been slacking again on the blog so even though I'm in the middle of moving, even though everything in our home is packed in boxes, even though I'm having to borrow this computer, I'm posting. Just for my Loyal Readers (I'm being optimistic by assuming there is more than one!). Just for you, I will make time to post. Especially since one of you is currently cooking my dinner and boy, does it smell yummy :)

October 19, 2008

Catching Up

Once again, like always, I feel like I'm falling behind with the blogging. Things are moving quickly now and we have the move date set for October 27th. The kids are wrapping up activities and winding down their time at school. Jeremy's been working and living in Ohio while the kids and I work on the logistics of getting the 3 of us and the pets up to see him.

Last week, my mom (Nana) came to visit with her friend John and it was a great time to fit in some those touristy things we haven't had a chance to do while spending time with them. We were on the road almost the entire weekend...scouting out the Virginia Safari park in Natural Bridge first. (BTW, they've really updated the place since I was last there. Highly, highly recommended. After all, when was the last time you fed a giraffe, pet a watusi, or watched a joey hop into mama kangaroo's pouch?)

We went up to the Blue Ridge Parkway and hiked for awhile on Flat Top Summit. The leaves were peaking and the weather was a balmy 75. Perfect weather for a fall hike and acorn/leaf collecting afternoon.

We also got to check out this awesome restaurant called The Homeplace. It was country kitsch to the extreme and so incredibly yummy. Unbelievable amounts of fried chicken and mashed potatoes and any other fixin' you would want. Delicious.

It was great to have a chance to see Nana before the move. It was an easy, relaxing weekend. The weather was perfect, the conversation flowing, and the kids extra well behaved. It's good to end our time in Roanoke on such a high note. Next up - heading up to Ohio until the railroad tells us otherwise :)

October 8, 2008

Dear Ohio,

I'll admit that you were ready for me and such planning has won me over. The drive to your state was breathtaking - Sandstone Mountain in West Virginia was covered with autumn leaves at their peak, the view from the New River Gorge was perfect, the drive over the Ohio River into your lovely state at sunset was better than I'd hoped for. And, then Ohio, you didn't stop there. Not only did you enchant me with your rolling hills, roadside cliffs and fall foliage, you made me laugh with your drive-thru ammo shops, your moonshine festival, your signs I didn't understand ("Caution: Pier Ahead" and "No Turn From Berm") and the random oil wells in otherwise normally landscaped front yards. Your people were friendly, your towns quaint, and your roads soooooo easy to cruise down. Now, granted, I only saw the Southeast part of your state but so far you've impressed me. There are several little towns that I've decided I wouldn't mind living in and I'm trying to decide whether or not we should root for the OSU Buckeyes in Columbus or the OU Bobcats in Athens, both in our new backyard. Should we go hiking our first weekend there or head to the big city to explore? I'm excited about moving to a state with only 4 letters in its name. In fact, I told our rental office today that I hope to be living with you by the end of October. So, thank you, Ohio for making my first visit such a great one. I plan on getting to know you even better very soon!


Your Soon-To-Be-Ohioan Friend

PS - Is Ohioan a word???

October 1, 2008

The Negative Post

Ok, so I think I've been pretty diplomatic about some of the things the railroad has thrown our way. I think I've tried to put a positive spin on just about everything. But, well, this blog is supposed to be confessions of a railroad wife and I've gotta tell you, right now that wife is stressed out! I'm not sure I've ever felt this unsure or worried or burdened. Goodness knows there are worse things happening to better people all over the world but in my little part of the universe this is a big deal :)

The good news is that the Ohio move has officially been approved. There wasn't much doubt but it's good to know it's a sure thing. The bad news? The company officially releases Jeremy from living on their expense after Friday. Now this might not be a big deal to some people but please remember that we still haven't sold the house in Charlottesville (mortgage!) and we have to rent in Roanoke for at least another month until the movers come and we find another place to live (rent!) and now Jeremy needs to find a place in Ohio (more rent!). So, somehow, some way, we have to find a way to pay 3 housing bills in the next few days. After only 2 days notice. When Jeremy mentioned to his boss that it wasn't a lot of time to take care of all this the guy actually chuckled and said after a while we'd get used to it and it becomes kind of fun. Well, honestly, my idea of fun is not spending what's left of our savings in one blow to pay toward 3 homes but what do I know? :) So, yes, I'm a tad bit angry and a lot frustrated but mostly worried. Oh, I'm sure it will all work out and by January we'll be able to look back and laugh but for now don't be surprised if I'm grouchy or distracted or need a hug or something. Confession? Sometimes the railroad sucks even when it's paying our bills (or at least most of them...)