October 1, 2008

The Negative Post

Ok, so I think I've been pretty diplomatic about some of the things the railroad has thrown our way. I think I've tried to put a positive spin on just about everything. But, well, this blog is supposed to be confessions of a railroad wife and I've gotta tell you, right now that wife is stressed out! I'm not sure I've ever felt this unsure or worried or burdened. Goodness knows there are worse things happening to better people all over the world but in my little part of the universe this is a big deal :)

The good news is that the Ohio move has officially been approved. There wasn't much doubt but it's good to know it's a sure thing. The bad news? The company officially releases Jeremy from living on their expense after Friday. Now this might not be a big deal to some people but please remember that we still haven't sold the house in Charlottesville (mortgage!) and we have to rent in Roanoke for at least another month until the movers come and we find another place to live (rent!) and now Jeremy needs to find a place in Ohio (more rent!). So, somehow, some way, we have to find a way to pay 3 housing bills in the next few days. After only 2 days notice. When Jeremy mentioned to his boss that it wasn't a lot of time to take care of all this the guy actually chuckled and said after a while we'd get used to it and it becomes kind of fun. Well, honestly, my idea of fun is not spending what's left of our savings in one blow to pay toward 3 homes but what do I know? :) So, yes, I'm a tad bit angry and a lot frustrated but mostly worried. Oh, I'm sure it will all work out and by January we'll be able to look back and laugh but for now don't be surprised if I'm grouchy or distracted or need a hug or something. Confession? Sometimes the railroad sucks even when it's paying our bills (or at least most of them...)

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