December 22, 2008


What do you do when it's the first official day of Christmas vacation, you're very sleepy from chatting online waaaaay too late the night before, and you're dreading hitting the grocery store because the wind chill today is a balmy -9*? Crank up the karaoke machine and belt out Hannah Montana songs in your pjs while jumping on the couch, of course. Oh, and the kids had fun, too :)

*Luckily, the temperature at noon is a tropical 11 degrees above zero when the wind dies down. Still, I think we might stall a bit longer before getting that gallon of milk...

1 comment:

Heather said...

The weather here in Madison is incredible too. It's -2 at the moment but feels like it's -15 and we're supposed to get 12inches of snow starting tonight into Christmas Eve. Weather in VA is not like this. I miss those dustings of snow when everything shut down. Now unless it's blizzard conditions everything's a go. Sounds like you're liking Ohio. Happy Holidays!