January 8, 2009

New Year's Resolution

Normally I'm not a fan of the resolution on January 1st. After all, if you need to change something or do something, why wait until the beginning of the year? But, this year, well, I've had to make one...kinda. Jeremy and I have been talking about getting healthier a lot lately. I mean, neither one of us has the metabolism of a teenager anymore but we both still enjoy food like we do. So, we've talked about eating better (which would carry over to the kids as well) and exercising on a much more regular basis. But this was right before Thanksgiving and while I was anxious to get started I also knew that I'd have no willpower against holiday food. So, we waited until January to make our changes which, I guess, means that this is officially a New Year's Resolution. Normally, I wouldn't be telling the world that we're making any sort of goal but, hey, maybe the extra pressure will be a good thing? Maybe it'll keep me on track because, goodness knows, I need all the help I can get. Small goals at a time is the trick we're trying this time. My goals for January? Increase the amount of water I drink everyday, add several days of exercise every week, and make sure I'm getting 4-5 servings of veggies everyday. Oh, and lose 5 pounds by February 1st. I have to have something to measure, after all :) I'm not exactly sure what Jeremy's goal for January is yet. I know he wants to cut back on soda and exercise more and eat more "real" food but I don't have specifics at the moment. So, feel free to bug us and nag us and ask us how it's going. Once February comes, I'll let you know how we did and what the additional goals are for that month.

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