April 2, 2009

Love Thursday...An Evening Walk

Love Thursday is a project, experiment, activity I read about here. Basically, the idea is to take a photo every Thursday of something that represents love to you. Whether it's love for a person, an idea, Thai food, whatever :) Obviously, I have no photography skills but I do love trying. And I like the idea of capturing the image of whatever is currently capturing my heart. So, I'm going to try Love Thursdays for awhile. Because isn't it always a good idea to take time to focus on what matters most to you??

My first Love Thursday is the habit we're starting of evening walks. The kids and Jeremy and I have started walking with Maggie every night after dinner. It's only simple strolls around the neighborhood helping the puppy burn off extra energy before bedtime. We get a chance to chat with the kids, talk to neighbors, look at the change in scenery as spring arrives and spend some relaxing time together free of obligations or responsibilities. For those 20 -30 minutes it's just the 4 of us, peaceful and happy with each other.

I realize it's only supposed to be one photo but there is so much I love about our walks I couldn't help myself.

I love this time of evening. The moon is out while the sky is still blue.

I like peeking in other people's yards to see what they have blooming.

Noah couldn't go out with us tonight. He wasn't feeling well and had walked with Maggie and I earlier in the day. So, at least for this Thursday, I don't have any pics of him on our walk :(

Livvie constantly bounces between exuberance and sweetness on these walks...both sides of her, perfect.

Here's hoping that Noah is feeling better tomorrow so that our after dinner walk is back to normal, back to the 4 of us, back to the way it's supposed to be.

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