April 29, 2009

Spring Strikes Again

In the midst of allergy season, with my watery eyes and stuffy head, I've been loving the infinite shades of green that Ohio has given us. Maybe it's because the sky is so often gray here but the greens seem so much more intense than I remember. Or maybe it's because I was missing that color for so long this winter? Either way, it's beautiful. It seems like all the trees finally leafed out this week...even the oak in the front yard has tiny leaves covering it. The dogwoods are in bloom, the lilacs were a surprise I hadn't expected and we have peonies in white and yellow starting to show their giant flowers. The grass is high (again) and the dandelions are everywhere. The baby cardinals take up too much of my time. I just can't look away when their parents are feeding those hungry mouths. I'd take more pictures of them but the adults are very skittish and I worry about scaring them away for good. I need to get our garden planted this week and soccer is in full swing. It's been a lovely week so far and it's only Wednesday! I love Spring...the pollen filled, rainy day, erratic temperatures, chlorophylled joy of it all. I don't need to breathe freely anyway. I've always thought an unclogged head was highly overrated.

Bonus: Our bedroom has a lot of windows...french doors on one wall, 3 huge windows on another, and 3 small windows high on the wall over our bed. It's wonderful...lots of sunlight during the day and I can see the stars when I'm lying in bed at night. It's probably my favorite room in the house. It's just beautifully built and off in a corner of the house all by itself. Another thing I love about it? The Spring-y thing I love about it? A robin has built a nest in the corner of one of the windows over our bed. I watched her build the nest one rainy morning, slinging mud against the window, bringing grass up and turning it with her beak and body. It's a little weird to have her staring at you when you wake up in the morning but I'm excited to see her 4 eggs hatch within the next 2 weeks. And I love hearing her sing outside my window, sitting in the poplar tree close to the house.

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