June 16, 2009

I'm A Slacking Slacker

Things have been busy around here and my posting has fallen by the wayside. It's not that I don't want to let you know what's going on; it's just that when I have to choose between hanging out with guests or the kids or Jeremy...well, blogging gets forgotten ;)

That said, summer is officially here! The kids are done with school. Noah had his 10th birthday and we've been entertaining guests for several weeks in a row. It's been a great month so far! My mom and grandmother and great-grandmother came to visit on Memorial Day weekend and it was great to see them. We kept things pretty simple and really just hung out, showed them the town, went antiquing, and chatted. A lot. Our friend Dave came up to visit around that time, too. The kids were thrilled he brought some Wii games we hadn't tried and Jeremy and I had fun just having him around.

Next our friend P came to visit. He drove up on a Tuesday and planned on staying til Friday. We had such a great time that he ended up extending his visit so that he was here an entire week. It was pretty much the best week we've had since moving here. Amazing what an old friend can do for your spirits!

This past weekend my Dad and stepmom came up to spend some time with us. I think they enjoyed seeing us as much as we enjoyed having them here :)

School has been out for a couple weeks now, Noah earned his green belt in Taekwondo and we had a sleepover for his birthday. Luckily P was here to help us wrangle up boys who played video games and ate and talked the entire night. The adults lasted until about 4 am or so but the kids made it the entire night. If only I could bottle up their energy!!

This week the kids are with Jeremy's parents. They are busy catching up with old friends and spending some time with the grandparents. From all the reports we've gotten so far they are having a fantastic time. As for Jeremy and I, we're counting down the days until the weekend. We're heading to Atlantic City for a free trip made possible by pooling resources with a friend. I'm not interested in gambling (it's no secret how badly I play poker, after all) but I'm dying to see the ocean. Perhaps we'll fit in a day trip to Cape May.

The weather has been beautiful here. The rain has started slowing down and everything is lush and green. The house is quiet (almost too much) and clean. The Wii and the tv are mine during the day and I've been reading up a storm sitting on our deck in a comfy chair. It's a good way to start the summer. I'm missing the kids but we've got lots planned for when they get back. There's plenty of time to fit everything in. For now, we just need to figure out when we're getting visitors again. I'm ready!!

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