September 4, 2009

A Long Break

I guess you could say I took a summer vacation, it's been so long since I've posted! But, now school has started again and I suppose it's time for me to start blogging again :) We had a great summer that went by way too fast. The kids got to spend lots of time with Jeremy's parents, Jeremy and I went on our first camping trip without kids in at least 10 years, we hung out at home, visited the zoo, had lots of playdates, and really just enjoyed ourselves.

We've had 2 weeks of school now and things seem to be going really well. Olivia has started 1st grade and absolutely loves it. She can't wait to get to school each day. Next week she'll start her gymnastics class and she'll resume ice skating at the beginning of October. It's good to get back into a steady routine again.

Noah is in 5th grade this year and in just 2 weeks has had an amazing amount of homework. He was a little worried when the teacher sent a letter telling him that he had an assignment due on the first day of school. So far, it hasn't been more than he can handle, though. Like Olivia, Noah is beginning some extra activities. He's taking band this year. Instead of piano lessons, he'll be learning the trumpet at school. I think he's really excited about learning a second instrument. He's also tried out for the school's chorus so we'll find out next week if he made it into the "Kids Next Door" singing group. He also has a big change in the gifted/talented program this year. 5th and 6th graders actually get bussed to another school once a week to take class with other G/T students in the city. It adds to his workload...he's gone from his regular classes once a week and has to make up all that work but I think it's a great opportunity. There are only 12 kids from 3 schools in this weekly class and they will delve a little deeper into certain subjects. He'll also get to go to Gettysburg for a 4 day trip in the spring once they've studied the Civil War. We're cutting back a little on after school activities for him to make sure the work isn't overwhelming...between the extra homework, band practice, and soccer I don't want him to miss out on just chilling out with a book, watching a mindless TV show, or playing with Legos with his best buddy. We'll see how it goes!

I guess the biggest news on the horizon is that in 1 week we will be heading to Alaska. Next Friday night Jeremy, the kids, and I are heading to Columbus to spend the night. Saturday morning we'll fly to Seattle where we'll spend a day before boarding our ship to Alaska. I've been reading and googling and asking questions like crazy. I think we're ready to go exploring. (And, if I'm completely honest, I'll admit that I packed one of our two suitcases a week ago. I'm so excited!!!) I'm hoping to have lots of pictures and stories to share when we return. We're going hiking in Juneau, to a Totem Pole park in Skagway, renting a car and driving into the Yukon Territory (crossing into Canada) in Ketchikan, and checking out the city by horse drawn carriage in Victoria. We'll end the trip with another day in Seattle where we'll see the Mariners take on the Yankees. I can't wait for everything we have planned and all the spontaneous stuff that happens in between. I don't want to over schedule. I want Alaska to unfold for us. I want to see what adventures we can find, what wildlife we can spot, what trails we happen upon, and what memories we take home. I have a feeling that the next week is going to be the longest week ever :)

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