September 26, 2008
And So It Goes
And then...cue dramatic music...
We got the call this morning. Jeremy is being sent to New Lexington, Ohio and has to be there on Monday. Yep, today is Friday and he has to be there on Monday. Ahh, the joys of railroading...the thrill of no notice...the fact that we're still paying a mortgage on top of our rent and now need to find a new place to live :) The kids are not thrilled. They've made lots of new friends, they're enjoying taekwondo and gymnastics and piano and living close to their Granny and Poppie but I'm trying to present it as an adventure and, hey, at least the 4 of us will be together, right???
I don't have details yet. We just know that Jeremy leaves on Sunday. The kids and I will stay in Roanoke until things become more official...there are movers to schedule, housing to find, classes and apartments to cancel, mail to forward (again! It took 4 weeks for the mail to start being forwarded here!), schools to withdraw from and enroll in, friends and family to notify. I'm hoping we'll be able to join him in Ohio before the end of October so I guess my dreams of a lazy weekend or a few normal days will have to be put on the backburner as we start the process all over again. Hang on to your hats, it's gonna be an interesting ride as I'm thrown back into single mom-hood again for a while. As always, I'll keep you posted :)
September 10, 2008
Quote of the Day - After Dinner Bliss
Quote of the Day - Part Deux (9/10)
Quote of the Day -September 10th
Olivia: I've only got one nerve left and Noah is crawling all over it. Now I've got nothin' left for tomorrow.
September 9, 2008
When You Have To Laugh (aka - Are You Kidding Me?)
The C'ville house should be going on the market this weekend and I hope to have all the empty cardboard out of here by Thursday. After that, I'll be ready to hit the road again...wherever it leads. I'll keep you posted!
September 8, 2008
Lesson of the Day
Quote of the Day - September 6th

I Know What You're Thinking
We came down to Roanoke on August 24th to get ready for the first day of school. The in-laws were gracious enough to put us up for a few days until our lease started. The upside for them? They got to see Olivia off on her first day of kindergarten - August 25th.

Another bright spot to the 25th was that I got to have dinner with Heather in Staunton. We hadn't seen each other in about 8 years and it's one of those friendships that I always wonder why I didn't stay in touch. It was great seeing her and I was very sad when it was time to head back to Roanoke. This time I'm determined not to let her go (Sorry, Howdy, you're stuck with me!)
The 26th was my birthday - number 33 to be exact. We went out to dinner and then back to the in-laws home for pie and gifts.
Thursday the 28th, I went to pick up our keys to the apartment. It was empty and quiet. All we brought with us for this first night was 2 air mattresses, sleeping bags, computer :)

I've been slowly unpacking because now I've decided the head cold is a good idea and the week has been rougher and busier than any of us could have predicted. On the plus side the kids are enjoying the new school. Noah has restarted his piano lessons and Olivia has started gymnastics. They are both taking taekwando twice a week. Unpacking boxes that someone else has packed is almost like Christmas - you never know what's in each box, carefully wrapped in packing paper. (Wow, those movers are thorough...they wrapped my paper plates! Good times!) The downside is that everyone except Noah has been sick, sick, sick. My car decided it wanted some attention of its own and cost me an unexpected $500 and the worst part is that I was cat sitting for my brother in law's kitty when it was decided that she was too sick to carry on. We had to take her to the vet and listen to the diagnosis and be there as she was put to unexpected lesson in loss for the kids.
But we're here now, together, and trying to figure out how to live as a family again. The boxes will be gone soon and the schedules will get ironed out. Maybe I'll look for a job if something interesting pops up. I'm just glad to get things moving in the right direction. We appreciate everyone's thoughts and prayers and good wishes as we've headed south and hope you'll keep us in mind as we try to sell the C'ville home.
I'll try not to let the blog go so long without posting next time. And, in a week or so, once all the boxes are gone, we'll be ready for some visitors so don't be shy!