July 27, 2008

The Ball Keeps Rollin'

Despite all my pessimism and doubt and unwillingness to be sure that we were moving, it looks like things keep falling into place. We've received the relocation money, we've been approved for a lease, we have 2 Realtors coming out to the house this week, and the kids are learning lots about the new school they'll be going to. So, really, it appears that we are actually going to be moving. In fact, if things continue to go as planned, we'll be moving on August 28th - a date that is rapidly approaching. I'm excited and nervous and stressed beyond belief. We have to get the siding, shutters, roof, and gutters fixed before then (thank you homeowner's insurance! no thanks to a badly timed freakishly huge hail storm!). I have to finish some last minute painting. We have to buy new carpet for the living room, finish clearing out the backyard down to the lake, clean out the basement (again. sigh.), and get the flower beds back in shape. All that while figuring out how to transport all 5 pets to the new home, registering for the new school, doctor and dentist appointments galore, starting soccer and cheerleading practice (which starts much much earlier there than it does here), finding a great piano teacher (Noah has been going through piano lesson withdrawal), packing up the stuff the movers can't move, and all the other stuff I haven't even started thinking about yet. Adding to the fun? School starts 3 days before we move so we have to figure out the logistics of that and find time (a priority!) to see Howdy, my lovely friend that I haven't seen in what? 8 years! the same week :) Good thing I work well under pressure! Otherwise the excitement might cause my head to implode!! But, honestly, as frantic and nutso as I sound, I can't wait to get all this going and keep the ball rolling...

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