July 23, 2008

Olivia is Such a Girl

There is great joy in our house this week because Olivia has discovered that she has her first loose tooth. She's delighted to tell Noah and I how big she's getting and this means she's almost a grown up. These are things I'd expect to hear a 5 year old to say. However, I don't have a lot of experience with 5 year old girls (and it's been a long, long time since I was 5) so imagine my amusement tonight when we had the following conversation:

Olivia walks into Noah's room while I'm telling him good night. Her finger is where it's been all day - right on the wiggly tooth. Teary eyed, she looks up at me and says "I'm so excited I'm crying!" (Girlism #1).

I walk her into her room to get her to bed and she says "I need to name it." I look around trying to figure out what she's talking about and then it dawns on me. "You're going to name your loose tooth?"

"Yep, I'm going to name all of them as they get loose." (Girlism #2)

And, then, as I'm walking out of her room - "I need to put a blanket on it. And when I wake up in the morning I'm going to dress it. Like maybe put a little shiny bow on it..." (Girlism #3)

Oh, she is such a girl. How such an ungirly mother came to help create this crazy, dramatic creature I'll never know but she definitely keeps me laughing.

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