July 31, 2008

Are You Tired Yet?

Sleep is overrated. That's what I've been told many times by many people. And I agree...except when it's not. Anyone who knows me knows I love to sleep. Love, love, love it. In fact, if I had to list hobbies, sleep would probably be number one. What beats curling up under a warm blanket on a chilly night with only your nose sticking out to be nipped at by the cold air? Or falling asleep in a sleeping bag listening to the sounds of crickets and bullfrogs singing you a summer lullaby? Or sneaking in a cat nap on the couch on a dreary rainy day when leaving the house seems like a bad idea?

My point is that I like to sleep :) And that's why I could never have Jeremy's job. Once we are living together again I'll have to get used to his schedule and the unpredictability of it all. He typically works an 11 or 12 hour day. At work by 6, home by 5 or 6 in the evening. But, he also has to be on call in rotating shifts in case something happens. After all, the railroad runs 24/7. And, of course, if something big and bad happens, he gets called out whether he's on call or not. It doesn't matter if it's Christmas morning or his kid's birthday or the middle of the night. And sometimes when he's called out he doesn't get to sleep for a long time. Case in point - on Tuesday he worked a regular day, let's say 6am to 5pm. He got back to his parents' house, ate some dinner, watched some tv, whatever and at 9:45 the phone rang. There was a derailment in Christiansburg and they needed extra help. I called Jeremy this morning at 9:30 and he was just leaving the derailment to go back to his regular shift. If you're keeping track that means that at 9:30am on Thursday morning he hadn't slept (except quick dozes in his truck) since Tuesday morning! And he was going in to work!! I don't see how he does it. He's a more resiliant person than me. But, on the bright, sweet wife side...I'm happy to take a nap in his honor... :)

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