July 11, 2008

It's Official

Yesterday Jeremy found out that he's definitely being promoted to a new position (Yay! A raise!) and that they are keeping him in the same location. We're incredibly disappointed because we were obviously hoping to move somewhere together. So, we now have to deal with the fact that it could be another year or more before he gets moved again. And, while I don't mind Roanoke, after all the buildup (and close call with moving to Indiana) I was looking forward to the idea of moving to another state. Oh well, somehow we'll manage and there is always the possibility that they'll renew his relocation package (apparently, this is still up in the air). On the bright side? There's a tiny extra bit of cash added to the paychecks, he's officially no longer a trainee, and he still loves the work he's doing. We just have to keep reminding ourselves of the good stuff. Maybe this time next year I'll finally be writing from somewhere else :)

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