March 4, 2009

Star Student Of The Week

This week at school Olivia was chosen as the Star Student of the Week (I feel like I should cue up some dramatic music here). One of the benefits of this honor (besides making your mom send in cookies for the class) is that Jeremy and I got to go to the school to share lunch with Olivia today. It was loud, chaotic, and messy. It was also so much fun that we decided to stay for recess, too. I haven't spent a lot of time with the class (mostly just random class parties, volunteering for the book fair, that kinda stuff...nothing on a regular schedule) but these kids are the sweetest group of 5 and 6 year olds that I've ever met. It's no secret that this winter has not been easy for me. I've never lived somewhere that has overcast skies so often. The number of snowfalls has been ridiculous and it's freezing all the time. I have only met a handful of people and Jeremy's schedule hasn't been as easy to live with as I thought it would be (after all, how terrible could it be after not living with him at all for 18 months? Silly me!). But after spending just one hour with those kids my mood was the best it's been in weeks. The hugs, the out of the blue "I love yous", the handholding, giggling at all my bad jokes, the hide and seek, and my bad limbo skills absolutely made my day. Kindergarteners love everyone, find joy in everything, and are amazed by anything you show or tell them. In their eyes you are suddenly the coolest person they have ever known. I learned lots (no one likes green beans, no tag is allowed on the playground when all 3 classes are outside, pink is a yucky color, grownups drool, holding hands while sliding makes it 10x more fun, and on and on). Thank you, Mrs. P's class. You may have thought that my being there was a treat for your benefit but in all honesty I owe my happy heart to you :)

*The absolutely funniest moment? The cute, teeny tiny little boy with no front teeth and chapped lips putting his arm around my waist, looking up at me and saying (seriously), "How you doin'?"

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