May 31, 2009
Last weekend the fledglings left the nest. I climbed up on my perch to peek at them and saw that they were gone. With a little bit of sadness I asked Jeremy to get out a ladder so we could knock down the nest. (While I love birds the thought of left behind bird mites invading my house and skin does not appeal to me one bit!) Summer is quickly approaching and all my bird babies were on their own.
And, then, on Friday I heard Maggie barking. I walked into the kitchen and looked out the glass doors to see a bird lying on the deck. Apparently one of my fledglings had flown into the door. It was lying on its back, eyes shut tight. It was still small...maybe 2/3 of the size of an adult robin and its grown-up feathers were still coming in. The colors were a mix of babyhood grays and browns along with the adult reddish breast that makes the bird so easily recognizable. I didn't want to scoop one of my babies off of the wood but we had a realtor coming by so I certainly couldn't leave it there. I stood there in the kitchen, hemming and hawing, wondering what to do. Suddenly its wings began to slowly flutter. Its eyes opened and looked around. Maggie barked harder. What was this strange creature on her deck?? The wings moved faster and I began to hope that maybe it was just stunned. I waited and kept coming back to check on it but it wouldn't get up. It wouldn't even turn over. I ran and got some gloves and went outside. I picked her up and noticed that her neck was at an odd angle. Maybe it was broken? She could still move her wings and legs just fine but her neck turned back over her body like she was going to drift off to sleep. I cradled her in my hands and stroked her breast and head until she calmed down. She let me check her wings and legs without complaint and I knew that wasn't a good sign. I sat there with her nestled in my hands for about 15 minutes watching her breathe, watching her sleep, watching her open an eye every now and then to see if I was still there staring. I was pretty sure she would die soon. After all, she was small and hurt and obviously exhausted from the effort of trying to get up and fly away. I put her in the flower box with my newly sprouted pumpkin plants. The wind was chilly and I wanted her to be in a protected spot that she would easily be able to escape from if she shook off her injuries. I tucked my gloves around her and went back inside. All evening I checked on her. I gave her berries which she adamantly refused. She seemed to be getting stronger by dusk - she was determined to fight me when I got too close and she would squawk in fear. I decided to let her be and hope that she'd feel better in the morning. After all, I had no idea how long it took for birds to get over the shock of hitting something so hard.
The next morning she was still alive but still hadn't eaten anything. Her neck was still twisted and she still could not sit up straight. Knowing that she was going to slowly starve to death (my google research showed that robins this age still rely on their parents for food and since she wouldn't let me near her any more...) and knowing that her neck most likely was broken (or something was) Jeremy did a kindness by quickly killing her. It broke my heart but I knew it was the best thing to do. I realize that the chances of this being one of "my" robins was slim but I still felt a closeness to this baby that lived such a short life. She was so light and soft in my hands. I wish there was more that we could have done.
We chose not to tell the kids about the bird knowing that they would be really upset. Instead we went about the rest of our day as normal. And that would have been the end of the story except last night while eating dinner on the deck I happened to look over at the bluebird house. I knew that no birds had nested in it this year (probably due to its proximity to our 3 feeders) so I hadn't thought much about it. As I looked up though I thought I saw something staring at me. We were all quiet and watching when 2 little baby squirrels poked their heads out of the hole to peek at us. Their eyes were huge and their ears were teeny tiny. As much as the squirrels here drive me nuts I suddenly was excited. More spring babies close to the house! I may have lost my robin but I now have the squirrels to watch. It was just what I needed :)
May 28, 2009
Love Thursday - The Deck
"Some Will Win, Some Will Lose, Some Were Born To Sing The Blues"
I walked them into the school, handed them some money for snacks and photos and admission and turned around to leave, planning on grabbing some dinner and maybe reading a bit before picking them up at 8:00. I got to my car, pulled on the handle and realized that when Olivia had gotten out of the driver's side door she had locked all four doors! No, no, no, no!! There were my keys and cellphone staring at me. I don't know anyone's phone number in Athens off the top of my head and Jeremy was in the middle of West Virginia. I ran back inside and begged a phone from a complete stranger and called my mother-in-law asking her to call AAA for me (thankfully, my membership was a gift to me from her so I knew she'd have all my info). It was hot and humid outside but it wasn't raining. The ground was wet from earlier storms so there was no place to sit. I alternated between strolling the sidewalks and ducking into the dance to watch the kids. I fended off scary guys asking if I wanted to "sit in [their] van?" thanks. I answered questions from old ladies and I waited. After about an hour the tow truck driver showed up and 30 seconds later my door was unlocked. I only had a half hour left until the dance ended and with a 15 minute drive ahead of me, there was no point in going home. I shrugged it off and decided to head back inside.
Girls were crowded around my boy while he danced and laughed and chatted. Olivia was dancing and jumping up and down and I was really enjoying watching them. Three moms that I've met this school year were there and we tried to shout at each other over the music making conversation difficult but amusing. "What?!?!, What?!?!" The kids on the gym floor ranged from preschool to sixth grade and it was interesting to see how excited they got about certain songs. No one slow danced...not one kid. Everyone participated in the air guitar contest and tried to figure out Miley Cyrus' "Hoedown Throwdown." There was shouting and running and twisting and twirling, whispering in corners and new relationships made (yes, N, I'm talking about you...). But my very favorite part of the evening came with the last song. The DJ asked all the sixth graders to raise their hands and had everyone applaud them. This was their last elementary school dance. The music started playing and I was shocked to hear the opening of Journey's "Don't Stop Believin'." But I was surprised even more when the 50 or so sixth graders formed a huge circle, arms around each other, starting swaying and singing along to every word. Was this 2009? How do these 11 and 12 year olds all know the words to this song? It was the coolest some cheesy, unbelievable musical. They sang loudly, they smiled at each other and suddenly I was taken back to elementary school...thinking I was so grown up, thinking that everyone would always be friends, thinking that life couldn't get any sweeter. In that last moment I was right...I was on the line between innocence and adulthood. I'd never had my heart broken, I'd never had a sleepless night, I'd never worried about money or the future. Everything was the way it should be. I realized I was grinning like a fool watching these kids and I wanted to sing along with them. But it was their moment not mine and so I stood quietly by the wall, just watching. I'm just happy my bad luck night allowed me to catch a glimpse of them, shining and perfect for a time.
May 23, 2009
Looking Forward
Anyway, my point is once again we don't know what's next. In some ways I've grown used to Athens and wouldn't mind staying here for another year. The kids love their activities and friends here. Jeremy and I are finally starting to find other couples to hang out with. We're settled and the town is cute (though so, so small). On the other hand, I'm always ready for the next adventure, the next house search, the next new town, the next opportunity. It's just the not knowing and the waiting that kills me :)
May 21, 2009
Love Thursday - Peonies
May 17, 2009
Piano Recital
When Olivia saw I'd posted the (bad quality) video of Noah she insisted I record her singing a song. Noah made sure to "pop up" to support her. So, here's some Miley Cyrus interpreted by my 5 year old :)
May 14, 2009
Love Thursday - A Classic
So, Noah and Olivia have been keeping me happy but I haven't taken any photos. I'm behind on posts. I haven't even told you about the baby birds. I'll get to it. I promise! But for now, for Love Thursday, an instant You Tube classic and one of my favorite things...something else that always makes me smile.
May 7, 2009
Love Thursday - Home
Welcome to Funkytown :) So, if we owned this house we'd totally be painting it (though the grey skies don't really allow the lime-greenness of the house to shine in the photo) but the fact that the shutters and beams and posts are made from trees that used to be in the backyard is very cool. The lavender lining the sidewalk is lovely in summer and fall. When you walk up to the house the smell of that mixed with the peonies is magic. The rhododendron to the right of the porch is where are cardinals hatched. I should mention that this house has a ton of windows. I love the light pouring into every room. Of course, this limits any privacy you might want to have. I don't like living in dark rooms and you can see, from this picture that even in the middle of the day, you can see right into the living room. Good thing the bathrooms are all on the back of the house :)
*It has been brought to my attention that I never post pics of the house. Partly that is because we don't own this house and I don't feel like we'll be here very long and partly because it's usually messy on the inside :) There will be more photos coming, though. Next favorite part of this house...