May 17, 2009

Piano Recital

Today Noah had his first piano recital. He was a trooper...he wasn't thrilled about playing to a recital hall of people but he knew I'd been wanting to see him on stage playing a grand piano for awhile. So, he picked a song he enjoys playing (Cossack Ride) and he went for it. He knows this short piece forward and backward, inside, outside, upside down but when we arrived at the hall for the performances he told me he felt really nervous and that he couldn't remember the notes (he memorized the piece and brought no sheet music with him). I promised him that he only had to try his best and his fingers would remember what to do. He nervously walked onto the stage, hastily bowed, and played very, very fast but those little fingers remembered their notes and he finished with a Noah-esque flourish. I was a proud mom :) He's taking the summer off from piano and is talking about picking up trumpet in the fall so I don't know what will happen with the piano. At least I got this recital :)

When Olivia saw I'd posted the (bad quality) video of Noah she insisted I record her singing a song. Noah made sure to "pop up" to support her. So, here's some Miley Cyrus interpreted by my 5 year old :)

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