May 14, 2009

Love Thursday - A Classic

All right, I'll admit it...I didn't take any photos today. Things have been busier than normal the past few days. Jeremy got a call Tuesday evening that said he needed to be in West Virginia for awhile starting Wednesday morning and so, at least temporarily, I'm back to playing single mom. Things are hectic but good. In the last two days I've had the pleasure of hearing my son complimented for his great manners. Isn't it funny that you try to teach your children to become polite, observant, well spoken, nice people and once they get it you sometimes forget how amazing it is? After all, there are plenty of kids out there that wouldn't open a door for others without being asked. They wouldn't say excuse me before moving up to the glass at the zoo. They wouldn't tell their teammates, "Good game." or "Great try" without being reminded. I'm always grateful when someone reminds me how well behaved my kids are). And then Olivia had a boy from her class call tonight to ask if she'll be his girlfriend. She was so excited to tell me all the details. I only hope that her excitement to let me into her life and thoughts continues as she gets older. There is not much I enjoy more than snuggling up with her at bedtime after reading stories and singing songs to just chat for a minute.

So, Noah and Olivia have been keeping me happy but I haven't taken any photos. I'm behind on posts. I haven't even told you about the baby birds. I'll get to it. I promise! But for now, for Love Thursday, an instant You Tube classic and one of my favorite things...something else that always makes me smile.

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