Merry Christmas, my friends! I'm anxious to see you all soon!!!
~~Confessions of a Railroad Wife~~
Once we got to the school I figured out her master plan - every single one of her friends was wearing a velvet winter dress. Together they made the most adorable group of little girls you've ever seen, all hugging and giggling :)
Well, it's good that they had the program when they did because not an hour after we got home it started snowing again. And it snowed this morning and most of the afternoon. So, finally, after a dozen days of snow the kids got to stay home. Yay! We spent the day playing and making cookies (Yum - sugar cookies and some new concoction we made with Reese's peanut butter cups chopped up in the dough) and building a gingerbread train (of course!). And, this afternoon, even though I haven't figured out where the box of snowsuits is yet, we played in the snow. The crazy thing was Jeremy told me that his assistant said it was raining in Athens, not snowing. At first I was thinking that maybe THIS is why they think it doesn't snow here - they don't know that it's called "snow" not "rain" but then a neighbor told me that even though it was raining only 3 miles away we live on a little elevated pocket of Athens that often gets different weather than the rest of the city. Odd but I suppose it makes a little sense. Anyway, here are some (not-so-great) photos of the fun in the snow:
Making the obligatory snow angels...
I don't know, I'd say we spent the afternoon in the snow not the rain! It was cold and fluffy and white. Maybe they claim it rarely snows here but it sure was fun to sled on! :)
The 26th was my birthday - number 33 to be exact. We went out to dinner and then back to the in-laws home for pie and gifts.
Thursday the 28th, I went to pick up our keys to the apartment. It was empty and quiet. All we brought with us for this first night was 2 air mattresses, sleeping bags, and...um...the computer :)I've been slowly unpacking because now I've decided the head cold is a good idea and the week has been rougher and busier than any of us could have predicted. On the plus side the kids are enjoying the new school. Noah has restarted his piano lessons and Olivia has started gymnastics. They are both taking taekwando twice a week. Unpacking boxes that someone else has packed is almost like Christmas - you never know what's in each box, carefully wrapped in packing paper. (Wow, those movers are thorough...they wrapped my paper plates! Good times!) The downside is that everyone except Noah has been sick, sick, sick. My car decided it wanted some attention of its own and cost me an unexpected $500 and the worst part is that I was cat sitting for my brother in law's kitty when it was decided that she was too sick to carry on. We had to take her to the vet and listen to the diagnosis and be there as she was put to sleep...an unexpected lesson in loss for the kids.
But we're here now, together, and trying to figure out how to live as a family again. The boxes will be gone soon and the schedules will get ironed out. Maybe I'll look for a job if something interesting pops up. I'm just glad to get things moving in the right direction. We appreciate everyone's thoughts and prayers and good wishes as we've headed south and hope you'll keep us in mind as we try to sell the C'ville home.
I'll try not to let the blog go so long without posting next time. And, in a week or so, once all the boxes are gone, we'll be ready for some visitors so don't be shy!
Looking out over the berry farm.
Noah and Nana picking berries
Cooling off after the harvesting. Doesn't Noah look thrilled? :)
All in all, it was a fun visit even if it didn't work out exactly as expected. The kids were exhausted enough to sleep in until 9 both mornings and, for me, that makes the trip more than worth it. Hopefully, even though we'll be 5 hours away, it won't be too long before we're able to go visit Nana again.
This is what five looks like...
including this girl who cracked the kids up by taunting a puppy on a leash.
The only problem is that when we started driving again, the kids were hot and sweaty and not wanting to hike and let me take pictures of them. Somehow that just did not sound like an excellent time. I can't imagine why not??
So we headed up to see Jeremy and arrived just in time for dinner. Amazingly, even though there are even numbers on both sides, the kids outvoted the grown-ups and we had to go to Olive Garden for dinner. Ahh, the sacrifices we make...
I had a pretty sleepless night and was worried that I'd be a grouchy, tired mess for the return trip but after a little breakfast and some hot tea I was good to go. We had a few hours to kill so we headed to the Luray Zoo. Now, I know you're thinking what kind of zoo is in Luray? But they actually have a great reptile section with a gazillion snakes, some pretty cool rescued animals that they've "adopted" over the years, and a small petting area. It was a surprisingly fun way to spend a couple of hours (especially during monkey snack time). And really when you get to talk to a donkey named Burrita and she does this: